Monday, May 21, 2012


A long drinking hole friend, I bumped into him at the Goethe corridor. We had lost physical contact since 2009, a small tête-à-tête ensued. catching up on time, what we both had been up to. our mad Nairobi night sprees.bla bla bla...

He told me he was planning to fly to Quebec Canada later in the year, hence had enrolled for classes at Alliance Français to polish his spoken, and written french. He was a doctor, and had realized his potential was being abused by the current employer, and worth of his skills under remunerated.

As the small talk sprinted to an impending halt, I realized either i had his contacts in my phone but couldn't put a trace to the name, i had with previous streak of negligent stupors that characterized my cellphone loses in freshman years;lost his number, or my power of recollection was fast receding.

But i have in my possession a pigeon hole of arsenals that i summon in such desperate instances, when i don't want to hurt your ego, by blatantly asking you to "remind me of your name please"

I figured he will notice i have a new phone. so i fished it out and tried the first trick " You still keep your previous number by the way? You see I am a teetotaler nowadays. so i keep my phones much longer, try calling me i see if i got it on Sim"
I hurry to dictate my number to him, which he obediently feeds into his keypads.
Just before he presses dial, I am scared how to save him should i not be having his names.

So here i go "and by the way, you on facebook by any chance?"

"Yeah, I am on Facebook" That has momentarily cut his attention from the phone.

"You use your real names? or what is the identity i can search you under? I am gonna add you right away"

"Just search Gilbert Menza" I stifle a grin, I am scored.
"You know when you fly to Quebec, maybe before i can get hold of your Canadian contacts, facebook will keep us in touch. Have you dialed by the way? i haven't seen it yet"

He then dials, if he saw the name that fills my screen with his oncoming call, he would strangle me. SHOGA HII PIGA SIMU is how i had saved him.

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