Monday, May 21, 2012


You always get to know how deep the world spares love for you when you really in deep shit. and this is just what police got to know when its website got spanked twice in a row. with the first hack seeming like a dangle foot in water to test the temperature and depth. briefly it was turned into twitter of sorts as different hackers chatted out on it, daring each other's naivety or or prowess in real hacking.
and if the first hack was written off as not being that complicated hence could be carried out by any novice with basic IT skills, the second seemed vicious and daring as it brought down all the pages and replaced them with a single scrawl seeming to lash out at Ocampo, the hague prosecutor, who has gripped kenyans with his pursuit of supposed main actors in the grievous crimes visited upon kenyans after the bungled 2007 elections.
The hack created quite a buzz with online kenyans, as rapidly a trending #policepassword was created and merrymakers plunged into it trying to guess the password as others used the forum to shout their true love for the police.
it was turned into a vilification zone with twitters reminiscing their encounters with cops, or mocking their supposed illiteracy and absence of sophistication. some were just as hilarious as kabbz who posted a line of this nature. "Cop1: " maze chegi hiyo sura " Cop 2: "huyo ni gama Gatherine Gazaburi" Cop 3:" havana yaaani huyo ni kama Kanini" to Annsalye who took the jibe " If you gannot broduce the three gavament toguments yaani IT, Gitambulisho ama dribers licenze... Twende mbele!" mostly mocking the seeming out of place cops are in modern crime prevention where they seem even not to know what they should be looking for. but others took more insulting tone, something that brushed me off offensively since am a cop too, like the comment that seemed to declare with alot of authority that cops dont even know how log into a "gompyuta!"
Their are learned cops out there for anyone who cares to know, and who are very much in step with demands of modern policing, so spare the entire force dressing down and concentrate your vitriol on the few you know with slanted shrubbish accent.

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