Thursday, January 6, 2011


Essentially this was not supposed to premier my entry into blogging, quite technical for me and much stretched from my level of expertise. but having the EPITOME of national security site compromised twice in in 48 hrs, now that is something of a buzz.
on the first hack the supposed intruder was written off by many brute coders as an amateur trying out his skills on some cheap, low on sophistication coded site. infact according to Coder Idd who delves mostly into internet security, the most mundane thing the kiddy hacker did was" looking for all publically available ‘common files’. E.g. .TXT, .PDF, .DOC, .MDB etc." on google search bar. this i too did and like in a marathon with a single participant, obligingly returned me the admin password and user name.
though he refuses to go into the next step that involves the more steely finger drops on keyboard, the simple revelation of pussy search for credentials in such a hustle free Google window sends chills down one's spine.
and unlike the first intrusion that affected only the homepage, the second one seems to have been more vicious for it not only brought the whole site down and replaced it with some politically laden statement, seeming to venomously scream at Ocampo's involvement with Kenya. also the seriousness of the second hack seems to be reinforced by the fact that even the admin seemingly was unable to the host the site over 7 hours after its his blog site Idd salim offers some free advice on what the web admins could do to secure their site in future or further still, lure the itchy finger kiddie back in and snare him.
Police spokesman Eric Kiraithe, lightly waved off the hack maintaining that CID the investigative arm of the Kenya police was looking into the matter with a view of pressing charges against the perpetrators, a statement that seems to have given Danco, a commentor on Idd;s blog a giddy laugh. he insists that "you dont 'investigate' dont put a couple of coppers in a room and tell them to catch the criminal, coz there isn't one waiting for you to catch and there is no fingerprints, video footage and all the royal regalia the law enforcers were trained to look a CSI...until later today, somebody came to the private sector (which they ought to have done, 2 years before independence) and asked for help....I wont say more...." he is disturbed that a country boasting of being pioneers in in ICT still do not have a Cyber crime response center in place.
But as is accentuated in physical life where police seems to attract the most hatred from the kenyan public. the same on both hacks has not been spared of it, as bloggers throw vitriol at the percieved competence or lack of it with sarcastically commented on the failure of the police to de host the site, mockingly saying" assuming they use the website themselves".
But as 2011 draws on, many corporations need to hire services of really polished security experts, since online appears to be the new war zone.unfortunately, very committed and throbbing hardened hackers are difficult to leave a shred of lead after wrecking havoc, unlike the case with traditional crimes like robbery and murder. hence here, the first cure is preemption.